Hyannis Harbor Hawks First Responders Night 2023

By: Mike Maynard


On Thursday, June 29 the Hyannis Harbor Hawks will be hosting a First Responders Night at McKeon Park. It will be a celebration and a thank you to all the first responders in our community that are constantly keeping us safe.


There will be an antique fire truck, SWAT Bearcat, ambulance from Costal Medical Transportation and a police cruiser at the ballpark for the event.


Three different charities will be involved with the event as well:


The 50/50 raffle for the night will feature a custom-made first responders baseball bat that will be available to all first responders in attendance. Tickets won’t be sold but first responders will get five free tickets.


The Harbor Hawks would like to give a huge thank you to Barnstable Police Department, Hyannis Fire Department and Coastal Medical Transportation.

Mike Maynard can be reached at mikemay62@gmail.com and followed on Twitter @mikecmaynard.


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