Happy Father’s Days from the Hyannis Harbor Hawks!

Nick Favazzo – Hyannis Harbor Hawks

Inclement weather may have pushed the Hawks double header against Harwich to tomorrow, but nothing can postpone Father’s Day!

Although a Father’s Day double header would have been nice, it is safe to say that fathers around the league have already done their fair share of two-plus hour drives to the middle of nowhere for a weekend double header. 

It may have been rain that had the last say on whether baseball would be played today or not, but it is safe to say that not a single game of Harbor Hawks baseball –or let’s face it, baseball as a whole, would be played without the tireless effort (and mammoth expenditures) that parents put in to show their kids just how fun baseball is, and how beautiful it can be. From that first game of catch, through every replaced broken bat, ripped pair of pants, or lost glove, for their first big hit, and their third ugly error of the inning, you were there. Whether it be as a coach, a fan, or just a chauffeur –you were there

Parents, you are living breathing proof of just how much love there is in baseball. Though we might never have showed it, all of those pre-game pump ups and post-game pep talks, Facebook posts, and forced pictures with siblings always kept us going. Your enthusiasm has and always will make this game worth playing.

Some kids will choose to stop playing in eighth grade, others will be told to stop when they’re 65. Regardless of when they played or for how long, in every case playing has led to a lifetime of memories, friendships, and lessons learned that only baseball can teach. So on this Father’s day, the Harbor Hawks would like to say thank you. Parenting is a thankless job –as a kid myself I’ll admit I haven’t given my parents nearly what they’re due! But to them, and all of you just know that each and every pitch, swing, dive, sprint, throw, and catch is performed with endless gratitude. Parents, dads, you have made us who we are inside the game and out. We owe it all to you.

Thank you for making baseball possible. Happy Father’s Day.


Hawks Spend the Afternoon at the Mall for an Autograph Session